Join Dr. Tracy Newkirk for a free, online in depth analysis of the language of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). Dr. Newkirk is a tireless advocate for patients struggling to understand and receive care with this challenging diagnosis. In this TOS event, Dr. Newkirk will help patients to understand the language of the disease in order to more effectively communicate with their healthcare providers, as well as navigate our complex healthcare system. Healthcare providers are encouraged to join this event.
Please note that this event begins at 4:30 PM PST.
To access this event join us on YouTube live here the day and time of the event.
About the speaker:
Dr . Newkirk is board-certified neurologist, practicing in Marin County since 1974.
In the mid-1970s. Dr Newkirk organized and directed a chronic pain management and functional restoration program at Kentfield Medical Hospital In Northern California. In time, his focus shifted to patients with upper extremity pain syndromes.
Through time, he realized that upper extremity industrial injuries out-numbered low back injuries. With a nod to Occam and his razor (William of Ockham, 1240 A.D.) , Dr Newkirk developed a keen awareness that common medical wisdom (or possibly dogma) was not adequately serving patients with upper extremity pain: carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, and radial tunnel syndromes, repetitive strain and overuse syndromes all had a common denominator. Connecting these dots continues to provide the foundation of his thinking around the challenges that patients, as well as clinicians face with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
Dr. Newkirk's unique and detailed approach to medicine and his determination to help patients find answers has made him a leader in assisting patients with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. He is a tireless advocate for this group of patients. More importantly, he helps patients understand how to advocate for themselves in our complex healthcare environment.
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