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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Athletes w/ Vernon Williams, MD

Join Dr. Vernon Williams for a free, online live streaming event as he discusses Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Athletes. Dr. Williams will cover multiple topics on this fascinating and under discussed subject. Participant Q & A! This event includes an extended opportunity for attendees to ask questions about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

Please join us!

Please note that this event begins at 4:30 PM PST.

To access this event join us on YouTube live HERE the day and time of the event.

Dr. Williams is a board-certified clinical neurologist with very specialized areas of subspecialty: Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine. While these may seem to be unique, unfamiliar, and/or unrelated areas of medicine, they are really quite complimentary. He believes the overlapping themes make him a more effective physician and hopefully leads to: healthier and happier patients.

December 7

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS): A NEW Patient Story

February 15

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Modern Life: How technology, sports, and car accidents alter anatomy and cause TOS.